Step up and shape your child’s digital future

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Akshita Patnaik
4 years ago
digital age
digital education
online class
Your Child’s Digital Future

Source- The Indian Express

Education has completely digitalized owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. This has now become a new normal. And this just brings parents face-to-face with technology. In fact, at the speed with which technology is changing social media is not the only thing that parents need worry about. Parenting in this digital age must go deeper. And it is not just about teaching your child but also about learning yourself. 

Parents need to prepare their child for digital future. To successfully do this, focus on the following:

1. Forming an online identity does not require any legal documents or paperwork. Thus, there are high chances of identity fraud and identity threat. Teach them to judiciously use the internet and be aware of suspicious people.

2. Cyber-bullying is perhaps the worst mishaps of the rapidly growing social media culture. Parents should be careful and make sure their child is not bullied. Take professional help in case your child is being cyber-bullied.

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3. Digitalisation does not come alone; it brings along responsibility. Educate your child about cyber crime and security. Ensure that the system used by the child for surfing the internet is secure.

4. Parents should not be overcautious about these instruments without fully understanding them. Look at both pros and cons. Lastly, monitor your child’s activity.