Some simple ways to take care of your baby’s clothes

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Tanmay Tandon
3 years ago
Some simple ways to take care of your baby’s clothes

Source: The Indian Express

It is a known fact that a baby’s skin is very soft and subtle and, therefore, needs more care and pampering to avoid the risk of rashes. 
Some tips on how to take care of baby clothes: 

1. Buying them correctly: Right clothes last long. Choose ones that can be prepared easily, don’t require continuous attention and will not increase laundry bills. Anything which is 100 per cent cotton is an ideal choice, as it is breathable, easy on the skin and can be washed easily. Make sure to avoid overstated clothes as they will hurt the baby and get washed off easily.

2. Wash it: The moment you buy clothes, wash them. Only then can the baby wear them. Clothes usually have various chemical remains from the shop. And the baby’s sensitive skin can react unfavorably.

3. The correct way to wash: Hand-washing ensures parents keep an eye on the cleaning process personally. A gentle spin cycle is also apt if using a washing machine. This protects slight clothes from going all saggy. It is also recommended that parents soak clothes in warm water before a final wash to help remove any dirt or bacteria.
Read the washing instructions on the label. Well-washed clothes last longer. Wash diapers or nappies separately in hot water. Babies are messy and their clothes need to be changed often. Clean them straight away with the correct stain remover.

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