In pandemic, how schools plan to keep kids busy offline

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Mayank Jain
3 years ago
In pandemic, how schools plan to keep kids busy offline

Source: The Indian Express

The school is an extension of the home, in that it allows for a child’s personality to grow, as they are surrounded by friends and teachers, attending classes and grasping new skills. But the pandemic has impacted lives so drastically, it has practically dissolved the idea of offline learning; at least the second wave of Covid infection has once again brought life to a standstill.

In such times, the onus falls not only on parents but also on schools to quickly adopt a different strategy and keep kids engaged at home, for education cannot stop. At the same time, it also has to be ensured kids are doing well mentally, for the current times have become a source of stress for both adults and children.

While the schools’ primary objective is to make learning easy and comfortable for pupils, it cannot happen without the participation of parents. Activities like reading club assignments, practice worksheets, and more will help kids in engaging through the summer. 

Schools can even give Holiday homework for children which could include a variety of offline activities like Daily journal writing to enhance their writing skills; reading from six books according to their reading level; math-based tasks from maintaining a number book to answering questions.

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