SC asks CBSE, UGC to make certain that the careers of the students should not be jeopardized

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Mayank Jain
4 years ago
compartment exam
supreme court

Source: Hindustan Times

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court asked CBSE, UGC to make sure that career of around 2 lakh students appearing for the examination is not jeopardized.

The exams for the same are scheduled from the 22nd September till the 29th of September. In the meantime, students requested the court to make sure that the results are published early, as they don't want to miss out on the admission of colleges.

The cut-off date for closing admission has also been finalised and informed to the court by UGC. Roopesh Kumar from CBSE counsel informed the court, that the exams were held in around 1278 centres, and it will take near about a month to collect and announce the results, due to the pandemic.

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The admissions usually close by October, but there might be a one-week accommodation, i.e., till the first week of November, as said by UGC counsel Apurva Kurup. Further discussion on this matter might take place on the 24th of September, 2020.