Parenting Mistakes To Avoid This New Year

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Shramana Biswas
3 years ago
New Year
Avoid Parenting Mistakes

New year has always had a trend of taking up resolutions. From school kids to parents, everyone seems to be joining in this tradition of making a new year resolution in order to better themselves. 

Parents too can take up a new resolution this year to make sure they avoid certain parenting Mistakes that can have a negative effect on their children. We are all aware of how tricky and tiring being a parent can be. Exhaustion and inexperience can often lead to parents making some bad choices and decisions. This new year try to avoid making these common mistakes that can cause your child physical and emotional harm.

Also Read | How to start with healthy family communication

Here are some of them:-

  • Avoid stepping into their personal space all the time. Give them time to breathe and stay away from you for a while.


  • Do not agree to every demand they make. This might end up making them entitled.


  • Know when to compromise. Don't be that stubborn parent who refuses every wish and desire of their kids.


  • Don't be overly strict with screen time. While controlling screen time is necessary you need to keep in mind that your child should be up to date with technology and the outside world.