Parenting In Focus: Your growing toddler

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Tanmay Tandon
3 years ago
Parenting In Focus: Your growing toddler

Source: Sequim Gazette

Now that your little one is pushing 2 to 3 years, there are more things for you to do to improve his life. Your involvement in his progress is serious for him to make the most of these early years.You are probably noticing his developing hand coordination. You may realize now how he hold crayons and pencils and even the way he plays with toys. Do you think he will be right-handed or left-handed? It is not so you can inspiration which hand is his prevail hand, but just so you can be with him on his development.You have also probably noticed that he is doing more things by himself than just a short time ago. He is likely to try to dress himself for better or worse. All these are behaviors to praise him for and to encourage him to do more.

Another area of development you are likely to notice is that he enjoys playing with other children. You will see his social skills developing and these are important for him.

This area of his personality is one that has really been set back for all ages during the pandemic. Children could not play with other children and this has set them back in developing these social skills.

Give him a chance to play with other children and learn how to do it.

Even playing with you helps him develop social skills.

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