Many kids did not attend playschool due to the pandemic, how will this affect their admissions?

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Mayank Jain
3 years ago
Many kids did not attend playschool due to the pandemic

This year 95% of kids did not attend the playschool and attending it is not a big issue for pursuing preschool in Delhi. Schools such as Delhi International School (DIS) have had 4 admits this year for their playschool.

Your kid will only be eligible for nursery admission. Since Delhi is very strict for age criteria do not enrol your kids in playschool as they would only be capable of applying to KG. Everyone is getting affected in some way or the other, whether they are children or adults. Lakhs of parents who will apply to Nursery admissions (For 2021-22) are going through the same situation as yours.

Also Read | What is the admission start date for KG/1st Standard?

The Nursery Admissions usually begin in December every year so do not miss out since the government is very strict about granting admissions as per the child's age.

On the brighter side, since a situation happens very rarely, you might be surprised if the government relaxes the age criteria next year. The government has not yet released the information. We should probably wait patiently.