Is love enough for your kid?

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Mayank Jain
4 years ago
loving kids

Source: Times of India

"Just loving your kids is not sufficient."

This sentence above simply shows that you have to put on something additional for your kids. You need to give some valuable things along with love for your kids. 

  1. Parents need to devote some of their time to their kids. 
  2. You can make your bond strong via physical contact. Parents should cuddle their kids.
  3. Kids love to talk and get responses. Parents can simply respond to them or use gestures for their kids.
  4. Parents can spend great quality time with their kids via books. Reading books and storytelling is a considerable activity that can be used by parents.

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Further, you can engage with them while they are playing or solely doing some activity. That's how you can build a relationship filled with love along with other necessary things.