Why Hybrid Learning Is The Future Of Education

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Tanmay Tandon
3 years ago
online learning
silver line prestige school
Hybrid learning
Why Hybrid Learning Is The Future Of Education

Source: INC42


The notion of blended learning or a ‘hybrid’ model of learning has been in existence over the last decade, but it got its share of the spotlight in the last few months, due to the unparalleled global crisis brought about by the pandemic.


Sometime last year, if someone had suggested that all learning in the months to come will happen online and students (and teachers) will not be coming to classrooms at all, it would have seemed like a far-fetched idea. Covid-19 truly did the impossible. It forced educational institutions and educators to test out ‘online’ as an option in conveying education. There was a lot of learning in the process. Different models of online learning were tested and assessed and approaches that seemed most effective were zeroed in upon. Hybrid learning is one such approach.

Hybrid learning is an approach to teaching & learning that combines face-to-face classroom instruction with online activities. Although mostly used interchangeably with ‘blended learning, there is a subtle but important difference between ‘Hybrid learning’ and ‘Blended learning’. In a blended learning environment, online learning is meant to match the in-person classroom learning through additional resources like videos, articles, etc. that are meant to create an enriching learning experience.


In a hybrid learning environment, online learning is meant to replace an element of the in-person class. The online material is designed as an alternative to in-person material and is meant to bring flexibility to the learning experience.


The advantages of hybrid and blended learning can be utilized by enrolling your child in Silverline Prestige School, where they have fostered a great online learning environment.

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