How to take care of your kid’s hair?

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Ezyschooling Correspondent
4 years ago
hair care
personal hygiene

Healthy, bouncy and shining hair-- this is what every parent would want on their kid's head. But, it is difficult to convince kids for washing, oiling and detangling their hair. So, how to actually care for your kid's hair?

  1. Oiling: It is extremely important to do oiling for healthy hair whether your kid likes it or not. By the way, what makes anyone hate oiling? It’s stickiness. So, a routine of oiling hair on Sundays just before an hour of bathing would help.
  2. Washing: It is important to wash hair twice a week to make them dirt free.
  3. Brushing: Keep their hair tangle-free by brushing them with the help of a small amount of serum or oil.
  4. Avoid styling: Keep styling products to a minimum for your kid.
  5. Haircut: Cutting and trimming has always been important for hair growth.

Also Read | Personal hygiene for kids

Further, kids are great observers. If they will see you doing these things, they will themselves come forward for it.