How To Know If Your Kid Is Suffering From Depression?

icon 14-16
Kajori Biswas
4 years ago
Depression in kids

Source: Indian Express

Persistent sadness, irritability, feeling worthless, hopelessness, loss of interest in activities and social interaction as well as getting thoughts to the extent of suicide is defined as depression. These symptoms can even affect the eating and sleeping habits of kids and they may face trouble in paying attention to school work, family and at social gatherings. 

Unfortunately, these symptoms are often seen as normal changes during the growing years of a child.  But, if these symptoms are continuing for two weeks or longer and affecting the kid's performance then, it's actually time to consult a paediatrician or a developmental paediatrician. 

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The counsellors will then look into all the related things such as family history, parenting style, surroundings of the kid and take the essential steps for therapy.