How to choose toys for kids of different age-groups to build Emotional Intelligence

icon 10-12
Nimisha Paul
4 years ago

Emotional Intelligence is important for good communication, better learning, friendships and academic success. Research shows that increased Emotional Intelligence leads to better health, academic achievement, and stronger relationships. That’s exactly why toys and games for children need to be seen as developmental learning tools instead of just tools of entertainment. 

We provide below some guidelines and suggestions on choosing the right type of toys and games for your child as it grows older: 

1. Toys for Infants (0-2 years) 

Infant learning in the first year is all about exploration, and they use their five senses to learn about the world around them. Parents may pay particular attention to choosing a range of toys that work on the key senses: sight, hearing and touch. The best toys for children in this age group are rattlers, stuffed toys, hand puppets, mirror and responding to cues. 

2. Toys for Toddlers (2-4 years) 

Children at this stage are rapidly picking language skills and are now developing their sense of danger. They even start understanding the functionality of objects. The best toys and games for toddlers in the 2-4 age group are identifying emotions, memory games, soft toys, worry dolls, open-ended play, and basic role-play with soft toys. 

3. Toys for Kindergartners (4-6 years) 

By this age, children start developing longer attention spans. They start talking and are inquisitive. They also start experimenting with objects around them and need appropriate toys to hone their creativity and imagination. 

Ideal toys and games for children in 4-6 years age group include storytelling, party games played in teams, labelling basic feelings, puzzles, vocabulary games, open-ended play-blocks and DIY (do-it-yourself) activities. 

4. Toys for school-going children (6+ years) 

Children by this age have started making greater sense of the world around them and they start understanding the nuances of different emotions. This is also the time where a child’s interests and talents sprout when they start introspecting, making it the perfect age to inculcate and teach coping mechanisms for emotions like anger and sadness, good manners and empathy. During this stage, the need is to focus on developing both EQ and IQ in children and engage them in task-focused play as well which requires more thought and planning