Gurgaon private schools take reopening steps

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Tanmay Tandon
3 years ago
Private Schools
Gurgaon private schools take reopening steps

Source: The Indian Express

With the Haryana government authorizing schools to reopen for classes IX to XII from July 16, followed by classes VI to VIII from July 23, several private schools in Gurgaon are set to open their doors to students once again in the weeks ahead.
Among these is The Shri Ram School, Moulsari, which sent out an email to parents warning them that they would be resuming classes for grades XI and XII in a “stunned manner”. As per the email, students of class XII will be called to school on Monday and Friday, while students of class XI will be called on Thursdays.
“We recognize that family forces may not allow all our students to come to school to join classes. The teachers will agenda meetings on teams for those who wish to attend classes almost while the teacher teaches in class,” states the email sent out by the school, which also has a link to the agreement form that parents are predictable to fill in order for their children to attend physical classes.
At Delhi Public School, Sector 45, officials said they will be reopening for students of certain classes from August.
“We are opening for regular classes for grades IX to XII from August 2. Online and offline classes will be conducted simultaneously,” said Aditi Misra, the principal of the school.

Also read: Schools Reopening: AIIMS Chief Dr Randeep Guleria Makes Big Statement on Resumption of Physical Classes.