Government school students in Delhi to get lessons on responsible use of social media

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Ezyschooling Correspondent
3 years ago
cyber safety
social media
Responsible use of social media

Source: Hindustan Times

From what proportion data to share on-line to a way to upset cyber threats, the city’s encampment board and NDMC can presently get lessons on the “responsible use of social media”.

The month-long series of on-line sessions, which can be conducted for one,040 colleges, is scheduled to start from November twenty-three. the teachings square measure being conducted against the backcloth of inflated usage of gadgets and exposure to social media throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

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“Threat through the unknown and anonymous cyber world may be a harsh reality these days. easy access and unmonitored reach has exposed the kids to unscrupulous components on the net,” Deputy Director of Education Mohinder Pal same. “The series on ‘Responsible use of Social Media’ can produce awareness regarding the assorted forms of threats on the web and additional ways that to secure oneself from these threats. the kids also will be hyper-sensitised regarding accountable use of social media,” he said. The National Council of Education analysis and coaching (NCERT) had in might sent the elaborated tips to colleges shaping the role of lecturers also as oldsters in promoting the safe, legal, and moral use of the web by students.