Eco-friendly Reusable Cloth Diapers

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4 years ago
reusable diapers
cloth diapers

Source: Indian Express

Taking care of our environment is our duty and it doesn't just mean taking pledges and celebrating the environment day. But, developing eco-friendly habits and using healthy alternatives of harmful substances too. One step by new mothers towards care of mother nature is using reusable cloth diapers as an alternative to disposable diapers.

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However, if you are thinking that what difference would 1 or 2 disposable diapers make then you should know the fact that it takes 500 years to decompose. Further, it takes 3.4 billion gallons of fuel oil to manufacture them with the use of toxins and chemicals that leaves your baby with rashes. On the other side, cloth diapers are organic, reusable, skin-friendly, soft, and breathable. 

Now the question emerges, can cloth diapers perform the same as disposable diapers. Definitely! Cloth diapers have all those features that disposable diapers have (the good ones obviously). They offer comfort with goodness. Further, you can reuse them and they are toxin and chemical-free. Additionally, they come in various colours, patterns, designs, and prints. They are just perfect for your baby.