Dos and Don’ts Of Maths Preparation While Studying For Board Exams

icon 16-18
Ezyschooling Correspondent
4 years ago

Dos of maths preparation

  • Always rely on one key textbook for the syllabus instead of multiple books. Guides and refresher books can supplement your lessons afterwards

  • Instead of memorizing formulae only, gain an understanding of fundamental concepts. Spend your preparation time understanding these concepts and which will enable you to derive these formulae too

  • Try to link mathematics problems with real-world problems. The subject can be very abstract sometimes so looking out for a practical application can help change your perspective as well as make it interesting

  • Jot down a synopsis of major chapters and make a list of all formulae. This will be useful for undertaking multiple revision sessions. Before the day of the examination, it will help you to go through the entire syllabus at once.

  • Revision through daily practice is the key. Maths cannot be mustered by just reading and listening. Ensure that you keep practising questions from previous years’ question papers regularly. Devote 2-4 hours to the subject daily

  • Develop a habit of setting a time limit to solving the questions. It will not only be helpful during the day of the exam but also come handy for revision sessions

  • Attempt one full syllabus test every week and get it checked from your guide/coach/teacher. Try completing test papers in 2 ½ hrs (instead of the actual examination time three hours). If possible, devote time between 10:30 am and 1:00 pm which coincides with your examination time to set your body clock.

  • Analyze the break-up of marks in questions and try to solve them accordingly.

  • Divide the chapters according to your ability. Give the difficult chapters some extra time and the easy ones can be scrolled a bit quickly.

Don’ts of maths preparation

  • Do not ever try to cram the processes involved in the solution of a Mathematical problem. This will be counterproductive. It is better to focus on understanding the logic

  • Don't pressurize yourself by studying unfamiliar chapters at the last moment. It’s not the time to stuff encyclopedias in your mind

  • Don't study irrelevant topics and stick to syllabus instead. Be mindful with the recent changes in the exam pattern and syllabus (if any) and align your preparation according to it.

  • Don't solve decades-old question papers to fuel your satisfaction. The pattern and syllabus could have changed multiple times since then.

  • Never completely rely on sample papers instead of textbooks. They are just mock tests speculating the question paper and might not prove fruitful without supplementing it with a textbook.

  • Don't try to revise everything on a single day. Gulp down a couple of chapters each day and give your brain some time to re-register the concepts.

  • Do not panic and take stress. Sleep well and attempt the exam with a fresh mind. Remember the phrase "This too shall pass".