Dental Hygiene For Kids Of Different Age Group

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Kajori Biswas
4 years ago
dental hygiene

 Source: The Times of India

Along with other health issues, taking care of your child's dental health is also very important. It is always said to brush teeth twice daily and also spend time flossing every day. Taking care of dental habits will prevent cavities and tooth decay in the long run. 

1.    For infants: Use a clean and soft cloth to wipe the gums of your babies and once the child starts growing teeth use soft toothbrushes and toothpaste specifically made for them. To prevent cavities and tooth decay avoid letting them doze off with a bottle in their mouth. 
2.    For 2 and above: Inculcate the habit of spitting out toothpaste and brushing teeth twice a day. They can now start using toothpaste with fluoride.
3.    For growing children: As their permanent teeth start to come, they should learn to brush for at least 2 minutes and flossing as well. Contact a dentist for teeth misalignment and other issues so that it can be cured early.