Demands to frame rules for online classes

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Preet Ambhire
4 years ago
online class
Virtual Classes
rules for online classes

Source: Indian Express

The congress Rajya Sabha MP Ahmed Patel demanded to constitute a task force to frame guidelines for holding online classes for school children. Patel also demanded that the center must increase its spending on providing digital support for poor students.

“We demand from the government to constitute a task force to study how online classes are putting severe mental stress on students as well as their families. The central government should come out with national guidelines after consulting states as to what should be the rules under which online classes be held. Rather than changing education syllabus, the central government must increase spending to provide digital support for poor students,” he said in his Zero Hour submission.

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A Delhi government survey revealed that 80 per cent of houses do not have any laptop or computer, he added. He provided with the statistics around the country for internet access by the students, which underlined the issue that many students find it difficult to connect online for education.