Dealing with uncommunicative children

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Riya Sree Kaishyap
3 years ago
Bonding with children

Source: Times of India

As parents, we always have our children’s best interest at heart. That’s the main reason why we tend to worry so much about every little thing concerning them. And communication is the key to keeping all these worries at bay. But what can you do if your kid is not yet open to such communication?

Here’s what you can do.

  • Try to identify your child’s state by paying attention to their behaviour and body language. Try to find out how they are feeling.
  • Try to understand why your child acts or behaves in a certain way. Once, you can identify the problem, you can help them to deal with it.
  • Talk about how you feel at times. This will help them to give names to their feelings and also understand why they are feeling in a certain way.
  • Praise your child when they decide to communicate with you about what they are dealing with. This will encourage them to repeat the positive behaviour in future.

Most importantly, give your child some time. Just let them know that you are there for them whenever they need you.

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