Benefits of reading books outside the school curriculum

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Shramana Biswas
3 years ago
Why your children should read more books

Children have a natural love for stories. It is a very clever way to teach them a variety of topics from arts to science. While school curriculums have designated books for all subjects, it is necessary to encourage children to develop the habit of reading books that do come with the promise of grades.

Also Read | Help Your Child Build a Reading Habit

Here are some reasons why you should encourage your children to read more books in leisure:-

1. Reading books help broaden the knowledge base of your children. It teaches them new facts, words, places, cultures, etc.

2. Books help exercise the brain and improve memory power in children.

3. Reading makes the mind more creative and imaginative. Fictional books can help improve your kid's writing and communicating abilities.

4. It improves their vocabulary. Books are a great way to improve your kid's vocabulary. 

5. Books can be used to teach children about their culture. Mythological books and history books can help better children's perception of their culture.

6. This habit will immensely help them in competitive tests in school and further studies.

7. Books can be a very important source of teaching kids life lessons and ways to be a better human being.