Applicants complain regarding unresponsive mails in Delhi University

icon 16-18
Mayank Jain
4 years ago
college students
Delhi university
Complaints of applicants

Source: Indian Express 

Aspirants complain that they are finding it difficult to have their queries resolved in the undergraduate admission process at Delhi University. The University has shared various helpline numbers, email IDs for each college on the University portal to solve the queries of students.

Since the admission is completely online this year, official email IDs and helplines are the only way students can contact the University and colleges. A student said that she faced difficulty in calculating ‘best four’ even though she has taken admission to Gargi college for the BA program.

A total of five 9730 applications were received across college on Thursday night. About 29746 candidates have completed their application form including payment. However, 10978 applications have also been approved but the payment is pending.