Achiever Of The Week- Advik Tayal

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Nimisha Paul
4 years ago
achiever of the week

“Art has a role in the education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else” – Sydney Gurewitz Clemens

A child has a world full of vivid colours and imaginations. They tend to imagine a lot in their growing years. And one should never stop them from doing so because imaginations can take you places.

 This week’s ‘Achiever of the week’ is such a child who imagines and paints the world around him with his favorite colours. He gives wings to his imagination and plunges in the pool of colours to enjoy with all his heart.

 Advik Tayal, a 3 year old has achieved a huge fan following and a bunch of appreciations for his lovely paintings and wonderful craft works by amusing everyone.

 “We stared on 13 march 2020.He is an active participant in my ‘parenting is learning’ page on Facebook. He has started schooling already. He loves colouring, crafting, pasting, and learning. I have posted many videos and pictures on my Facebook page and Instagram. I cannot express in words how proud we feel as parents”, said his mother and supporter Mrs Sapna Tayal.

 Father Nitin Tayal is also a constant supporter of both his wife and son. He considers parenthood a blessing for him.

 Below are some of the paintings and crafting created by our little Advik. To see more of such amazing paintings you can visit the Facebook Page