Tips to help homeschooling children in learning

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Pratham Suwal
3 years ago
Tips to help homeschooling children in learning

Source: The Conversation 

Several schools have shut after students and staff tested positive for Covid-19 and so some private schools have moved to online classes as a preventive measure. Many parents are keeping their children at home as a precaution for various reasons. Attendance in schools has fallen, by as much as 50% in some. If children are staying home from school, parents may be wondering how they can support their learning.

Every child has individual ways of learning, so what works for one may not work for another. Homeschooling has an advantage in that it can cater to the individual child. As long as the student can focus and be safe, there are no limits to where the learning can take place.

Children do not just see this as an extended holiday but as a normal school, from home. It’s important to create a structure. There is no specific time students should spend studying, however, given different students of different ages will complete tasks and grasp concepts at different rates.

There are many online support activities for children learning from home. Some education authorities have published some links for homeschooling families that anyone can use. Developing a love for reading in children will help them in all learning areas, no matter how long they don’t physically go to school.

Also read: Homeschooling students often get better test results and have more degrees than their peers