70-year-old study found a secret to raise a successful child

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Preet Ambhire
4 years ago
future plans
parenting goals
successful child

Source: Times of India

Every parent aims at giving the best to their child. But the question is, what is good parenting? A 70-year-old study that took over 70,000 kids' data in consideration will help you understand better. This study began in the UK during World War II is referred to as 'British Birth Cohorts'. 

The scientist surveyed every woman who gave birth over a week in 1946. They collected 14,000 detailed questionnaires about the birth aspect during that time. The scientist then gathered data from different generations of kids over time, which gave them about 70,000 kids over 70 years.

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These pointers, taken from the study, might help you in making your offspring successful:

  1. Have meaningful conversations with them.
  2. Making it clear that you have plans for their future.
  3. Take them on trips.
  4. Inculcate a habit of reading.
  5. Be emotionally warm to them.

Make sure that you include quality time in your schedule. Quality time is also achievable by sitting together and talking about how the day was, bonding with them and making them feel loved.