World Environment Day- Is It Too Late Yet?
Education Education
10-12 10-12
Sakshi Singh
4 years ago
World Environment Day

The only reason life survives on earth is its "Environment". It has all the components there should be to sustain life; the air, the water, the trees, the biodiversity. And it is because Earth provides us with all that we are thriving and growing. But how often are we grateful for the Environment? How often are we thankful to nature? The trees for oxygen, the land for food. Despite so much that the environment gives us we still manhandle it.

June 5th is commemorated as World Environment Day by the United Nations General Assembly. Just like we celebrate every other relationship, this day is to celebrate our bond and show our indebtedness Towards mother nature.

When you hit someone with a sledgehammer over and over again, how long will the person keep standing? Eventually, they will give up. Just like that if we continue to brutalize the environment by polluting and exploiting resources, killing animals, cutting trees, it's doesn't take an Einstein to know that the earth won't keep standing for a long while.

Every day across the globe Thousands of trees are cut to make way for roads, buildings; so many animals killed in the name of livestock; so many pollutants released in water air and land. No wonder the calamities are everyday news.

We take so much from the planet and give back in tiny morsels. Someone who sustains our entire being should be cherished and protected. The world as a whole needs a change in perspective that if It's a two-way road; if you take, you have to give back.

This year the theme of the world environment is Biodiversity. Protecting our flora and fauna. As aware adults, we should incorporate the habit of taking care of the environment in our kids from a very early age.

  • Encourage the kids to plant trees.
  • Water the plants with them and try to enhance their knowledge about why they are important for the environment.
  • Tell the kids about why is it essential not to pollute rivers and soil, not to harm the fauna in any way and more about "coexistence" with nature.

Kids now are the future youth and their collaborated efforts are the only way to prevent further damage.

The environment is called "MOTHER" for a reason. And just like we protect our moms, we have to safeguard this mother as well. Because he who protects the environment is actually protecting the entire humankind.

And this will be easier to do when we understand that environment is not something to be exploited for the never quenching human greed.

So on this World Environment Day, let's pledge to love nature truly and stand against the incessant cutting of trees. Plant the future and embrace the beautiful diversity nature gives us.

Stay Tuned, Stay Relevant!

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environment day