Social Developments of a Seventeen Year Old Teenager
Society Society
16-18 16-18
Radhika Krishnan
4 years ago
Social Development

Your teenager now is on the threshold of adulthood. They are seeking independence in a strong way. This phase can be a testing time for parents as they realize it’s time to let go of their baby to help them reach new heights. The parent-child bond, of course, will always remain. Just that it is changing course.

  • Your teen may spend the majority of his free time with friends or alone. 

  • At seventeen, kids develop close friendships and become less likely to move back and forth between groups. They are beginning to understand that relationships are about give-and-take. They are more willing to adjust to another’s happiness. 

  • They realize the importance of being dependable. They are able to make and keep commitments. 

  • The parent/teen relationship may shift a little during this age. For some, that may mean growing apart as a teen gains independence, but for others, teens may actually grow closer as their desire to be rebellious phase fades away.

Have a talk on the following matters from time to time to gauge if your child is at risk:

  1. Healthy relationships and safe sex: Educate them about birth control, consent, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 

  2. Drugs and alcohol: Talk openly about substance abuse. Educate them about the risks involved. 

  3. Internet: Ensure they are taking care of the following: 

    1. how to control the privacy of their online profiles

    2. avoid posting personal details like phone numbers and addresses

    3. use a good password that other people can’t guess easily

    4. let you know if they get messages from people they don’t know

    5. avoid sending pictures or videos they wouldn’t want the public at large to see

Even though your child may seem to want to move away from you, he still needs you to be there for timely guidance and advice.

Stay Tuned! Stay Relevant!


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teenage struggles