Holistic Development in Sports through Proper Mentorship and Guidance
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Vaishnavi Gurung
2 months ago
Holistic Development in Sports through Proper Mentorship and Guidance

A mentor is defined as "an experienced and trustworthy counselor" in the dictionary. The role of the mentor is an integral element of the coaching journey that should be embraced by experienced and aspiring coaches alike. A mentor is an individual who directs the team and its members toward the end objective. Although mentors and coaches play comparable roles, mentoring relies on inspiration and the mental application of choices while coaching mostly relies on tactics and procedures. The mentor will aid the players in honing their abilities and maximizing the potential of the group. Here, in this article, we will explore how proper mentorship and guidance can lead to holistic development via sports.

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The entire development of players in sports may be significantly impacted by appropriate mentoring and coaching. The American Society for Training and Development found that 75% of executives said mentoring played a key role in their career success. The following are some ways that mentoring and advice may help an athlete grow all around: 

  • Skill Development: An athlete may develop their skills and methods in their sport with the assistance of a competent mentor. They can assist them in finding areas for improvement and provide comments on their performance.
  • Mental Preparation: Sports are about more than simply physical prowess; they also require mental toughness. A mentor may aid an athlete in building mental toughness and gaining experience under pressure.
  • Setting Goals: A mentor may assist an athlete in setting objectives that are both attainable and practical. Athletes can assess their progress and maintain motivation by dividing large goals into smaller, more doable ones.
  • Developing Confidence: A competent mentor can assist their athletes to develop confidence by encouraging them to have faith in their skills and talents. Their performance on the field or court may benefit as a result. In a study by the University of Victoria, 77% of mentees reported a boost in their confidence and self-esteem as a result of their mentorship experience.
  • Character development: A mentor may assist athletes in building their character in addition to their physical and cerebral growth. They may impart to them virtues that apply both on and off the field, such as sportsmanship, respect, and collaboration.

Overall, athletes interested in improving their abilities, mental toughness, and general growth might benefit from working with a mentor who is educated about and skilled in their sport. Mentors may help athletes reach their full potential on and off the field by offering advice, encouragement, and support. A study by the National Mentoring Partnership found that young adults who had a mentor were 130% more likely to hold leadership positions than those who did not have a mentor.

Responsibilities and Relationships between a Mentor and a Mentee

Coach with students

Developing a mentee's professional and interpersonal abilities is the straightforward responsibility of a mentor. A mentor will assume several hats and responsibilities within a mentor-mentee relationship in order to further their own objectives.

  • Coach: Mentors will continuously offer comments, advice, and insights into their particular profession. Mentors frequently relate personal tales such as, "I wish I knew this..."
  • Devil's Advocate: When it comes to making important judgments, mentors will push the mentor. It entails taking the opposing position and offering fresh perspectives on a choice.
  • Support System: Mentors are ardent supporters of their mentees. They continuously provide words of encouragement, celebrate both major and little victories, and offer assistance when mentees encounter obstacles.
  • Resource: Mentors have countless resources at their disposal, including people, jobs, and tools. When mentors and mentees establish a close relationship, the mentor is more likely to offer the required resources, share their network, and forge new business relationships.

The mentee's responsibility is straightforward as well: to take in as much knowledge as possible from the mentor. Although the mentee's role is less diversified, it is still crucial to the relationship.

  • Planner: A mentee who takes the initiative to arrange meetings, give agendas, and draught action plans for both short- and long-term objectives is known as a planner. Fundamentally, a mentee's main obligation is to demonstrate initiative.
  • Observer: A mentee maintains communication. This entails following up frequently, asking insightful and detailed questions, and regularly updating their mentor.
  • Student: In essence, a mentee assumes the position of the student. They absorb the knowledge from their mentor like a sponge, keep learning even when they are not in a formal connection with them, and even when faced with difficulties, they look for opportunities to learn.

A mentor can make a real difference in your career and life. A survey by LinkedIn found that 96% of professionals believe that mentoring is valuable. Master Mind Global English Sr. Secondary School realises this importance as they effectively work towards mentoring students and actively propagating their development through sports activities.

Master Mind Global English Sr. Secondary School

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At Master Mind Global English Sr. Secondary School, education extends far beyond textbooks. Students here are nurtured not just to excel academically but also physically, mentally, creatively and spiritually. Affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education, MMGES is recognized as a place of excellence that encourages children to reach their full potential.

Master Mind Global English Sr. Secondary School seeks to enable students to live life to the fullest via sports activities. In fact, it is one of the crucial objectives of the school to achieve perfection in sports. The school also has a dedicated team of mentors to guide children in various sports activities.

Schools like MMGES empower students to explore the world of sports. So, what are you waiting for? Check out MMGES and apply now for your child’s admission!

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holistic development