Cognitive Developments of a Fourteen Year Old
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12-14 12-14
Sidharth Kavadia
4 years ago
Cognitive Development for child

Fourteen can be a pivotal age. Children start focussing on the future, start setting personal goals and may challenge assumptions and solutions presented by adults. This could also be a time when they face peer pressure to use alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, and to have sex. It's an important time to ensure you're giving your child plenty of guidance and helping your child gain the skills they need for a good future. 

Here’s what to expect at Age 14 years: 

  • Most 14-year-olds find justice and equality to be important issues. They become interested in politics, philosophy and social issues. They develop the ability to think abstractly and may have a strong sense of right and wrong. They are able to think long-term and set personal goals. 

  • They are interested in exploring the world beyond their own community and learning what exists beyond their school, city or country.

  • They may seem less communicative at times. But this is part of their normal development as teens begin solving problems and dealing with emotions on their own.

  • They prefer to stay in electronic communication with friends. Texting and social media are often very important at this age.

  • Most 14-year-olds develop strong likes and dislike and make their preferences known. They may have favorite movies and books etc. and can have extensive vocabularies.

  • Play to a 14-year-old might include anything from playing video games to watching sporting events with friends. They are likely to enjoy making plans with their friends and they may spend time together working on goal-oriented projects with their friends. 

  • At 14, most teenagers like to question authority. They are eager to enter into heated arguments with adults.

  • They will want more independence. Communicating that independence comes with responsibility is important. 

  • Children at this age may display a know it all attitude and feel adults around them have little knowledge about any matter. Set boundaries with consequences and implement them.

  • They are becoming more responsible. Give your child privileges based on performance. They can be made responsible for certain household chores. 

Respect your teen’s opinions even when you don’t agree with them. Show interest in learning more about what has shaped their ideas and why they have certain beliefs. If however, you are concerned about your teen’s immaturity, it’s important to talk to your child’s physician.  A physician can rule out any physical or mental health issues and may refer your child to a specialist if necessary.

Stay Tuned! Stay Relevant!

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