New Horizon Scholars School and Neo kids aim to provide top quality education as it is one of the lashing gifts we can offer. our children, bearing in mind the words of Dalai Lama “When educating the minds of the youth , we must not forget to educate their hearts”. Thus The curriculum of the school enhances the amalgamation of the 3H’s : HEAD, HEART and HAND. With its motto ‘Mission to Excel’ the school stands as partners in learning with students to seek deeper knowledge and provide an enriching and innovating learning experience. At New Horizon Scholars School, we believe in achieving ‘excellence’ in all we do. Neo Kids is a power-house of knowledge that imparts education for the development of the whole persona of every student. The essence of our goal which is the 'Mission to Excel' is imbibed in students at every step with values of Determination, Dedication, Devotion and Discipline to help them become better WORLD citizens. The school is providing outstanding facilities for the delivery of excellent academic,cultural, social and sports education . Science Labs, Compute Labs, Language Lab, Math’s Lab, Music Lab, Art Corner, Educare Corners, Creativity Corners, etc facilitate excellence in education.