Things to Remember about Online Education in India

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Abhilasha Rai
6 months ago
Online education in india

Online learning is education that takes place over the Internet. It is often referred to as “e-learning”. Online education is electronically supported learning that relies on the Internet for teacher/student interaction and the distribution of class materials.

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Previous research found that e-learning is more cost-effective than traditional learning because less time and money is spent by learners on travelling. Read on as we explore more about the scenario of online education in India and its advantages. Here in this article we also touch upon the probable future of online education in India.

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Advantages of Online Education in India

making learning easier: Advantages of Online Education in India

Online learning is certainly the more effective option for students, but it’s also better for the environment as students are not going to physics classes they do not require any transportation so a lot of fuel is conserved and the pollution is also reduced, the classroom electricity is also saved.  This means when students embark on e-learning, they can be thrift. 

In addition, the online format allows physically challenged students (and teachers) more freedom to participate in class. Participants access the Virtual Classroom through their computer screens instead of having to “go to class” physically. with changing time it has become an efficient way of delivering courses as the resources are available from anywhere and at any time; Students can interact with their peers from all around the world and can make new friends through group discussions and private chats; The studying material can be accessed an unlimited number of times.

Online education enables the teacher and the student to set their own pace of learning, and there’s the added flexibility of setting a schedule of own that fits everyone’s agenda. Studying online teaches students vital time management skills also. Since the classes are online parents play a crucial role in making the endeavour successful, interesting and interactive. According to some teachers, kids who had failed to submit the assignments on time in school are now doing it on time as they are getting more attention from their parents at home.

The kids who were passive listeners in school are now turning out to be active participants in online classes. Students control their own learning experience and tailor the class discussions to meet their own specific needs. All thanks to online education!

Here are the top three benefits of online learning: 

  • Accessibility:  The main and most important feature of this concept is that it can be accessed by anyone with a smart device that supports an internet connection. Students can continue to enjoy an exceptional learning experience regardless of time, date and location. There are several tools available to educators to help them teach 
  • Productivity: It increases learner productivity by using adaptive technology and saving students travel time. Therefore, if the online learning asset is utilized in an appropriate way, it can have a beneficial effect on the learner.
  • Efficiency: Online learning is more effective than offline learning in terms of effectiveness, affordability, accessibility, time consumption, and educational quality. According to the analysis, in 2020, most students around the world prefer digital education to offline education.

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The Future of Online Education in India 

Probable Future of Online Education in India

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people are increasingly turning to online education. As e-learning is considered the future, this shift appears to be more permanent. The application of artificial intelligence in online education will enhance the entire education infrastructure in India. This not only helps students study better but also increases employment opportunities in the country. But the world is very new to the full-time classroom experience that has moved to a computer screen. Much work remains to be done in order to realize the full potential that online learning can achieve.

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Have you heard of Cyboard?

Cyboard School

Cyboard is a 100% online school that ensures learners can access it from anywhere on their devices and don’t have to physically go to class. Once you have logged in, you are in the school.

  • Cyboard School offers the best of all worlds: hassle-free, systematic and structured virtual classes from the comfort and safety of your own home. All you need is a computer or a smartphone and an internet connection to have the best education at your doorstep.
  • Anyone, from anywhere, can learn from highly trained teachers and curriculum which is inaccessible due to distance to school, unavailability of good teachers for all subjects in traditional school and lack of good schools in the city/municipality, or because of exorbitant fee structures.
  • The teachers work remotely and have a curriculum that is an amalgamation of the best national and international curricula designed by industry leaders in the most effective and efficient prototype.

The Cyboard School is here to make the necessary leap to transform K–12 education in India. Within the last few years, the idea of traditional education has undergone a significant alteration. With the development of the internet and new technology, attending classes in person is no longer the only way to study.

As long as we have access to the internet nowadays, we can receive a high-quality education anytime and wherever we desire. A new era, the revolution in online education, is now upon us. Through online learning and assessment through entirely online schooling, there is an opportunity to become more effective and productive while gaining new and improved educational skills and knowledge.

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