Developmental Milestones for 0-2 Years

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Shubhi Kapoor
4 years ago
Developmental Milestones for babies

Milestones are behavioural and physical checkpoints in a child's development as they grow. These checkpoints involve all kinds of developments like social, physical, mental and cognitive. When a child enters the world he is not having proper functioning body systems. Their brain and other parts of the body does not function as adults. From birth, till the child turns 2 he uses his body parts to develop them and to make them function properly.

Here are developmental milestones that your baby should have achieved when he is 2 years old:

Physical Milestones

Gross Motor Skills

  • Walks alone.

  • Pulls toys behind her while walking.

  • Kicks a ball.

  • Walks up and downstairs while having support.

  • Begins to run.

  • Climbs up and down from furniture without any help.

  • Can carry a large toy or several toys while walking.

Fine Motor Skills

  • Start brushing teeth on their own.

  • Build a block tower of at least four blocks.

  • Starts practising snaps and zipping up.

  • Hold utensils and crayons with fingers instead of a fist.

  • Wash hands on their own.

  • May pull pants up and down.

Cognitive Milestones

  • Finds an object even when hidden under two or three covers.

  • Begins to sort things by shape and colour.

  • Enjoys more complicated pretend play, like thinking that the box is a spaceship and playing with it.

  • Do three-to-four pieces puzzles.

  • Recite favourite poems and books with you.

Language Milestones

  • Can repeat words they hear.

  • Start asking "what's that" and "why".

  • Uses a variety of words till 18 months of age and speak in a sentence of three to four words by 24 months.

  • Understand words for familiar people, everyday objects and body parts.

Social and Emotional Milestones

  • Enjoy the company of other kids.

  • Start to realize they can do certain things without your help.

  • Show tantrums when frustrated.

  • Mimic what others say.

  • Disobey more than before and doing things they are told not to do.

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developmental milestones