Changes to Deal With after Admission to Class 11

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Sheena Dawar
7 months ago
Changes to Deal With after Admission to Class 11

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X

Education can be called the fourth basic need of a human after food, shelter and clothing. Although some people may disagree with this belief, their disbelief won’t reduce the importance of education in the lives of humans. We need education because it’s the only way for us to live life instead of merely surviving. Education holds the power to uplift a poor person to the status of an entrepreneur. Education can change lives and lifestyles; education can change the world you see yourself and others, and the world. Education is a blessing. 

As Malcolm X states, those who want to succeed in life in future need to focus on their education today. But in the case of education, it often becomes difficult for one to figure out what kind of education would be right and useful for one and why. It happens in several steps. For instance, it’s a highly difficult decision for one to choose one’s stream of education in class 11th. Students generally find it to be quite confusing to figure out which stream is good for them and why. Questions like, should I follow my passion or not, should I go with those subjects that give a higher return in future despite having no interest in them, should I follow the advice of my relatives, etc. bother them every single day, and they start suffering from depression, anxiety, etc. There are a lot of changes and challenges one needs to deal with on being promoted to class 11th. And, that’s what we’re going to discuss in this article. In this article, we’re going to highlight some main changes, challenges, confusions and dilemmas that every student generally faces on being promoted to class 11th. 


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Challenges that Students Face After Being Promoted to Class 11th

Discussed below are some of the challenges and changes that a student has to deal with after being promoted to class 11th:


The Dilemma of Choosing the Right Stream

The dilemma of Choosing the Right Stream

After the declaration of results of class 10th and on being promoted to class 11th, the first and foremost challenge that students face is to choose the right stream for themselves. It’s not as simple as it sounds. Only a student promoted to class 11th or those having faced a similar situation in the past could understand the complexity of this step. Apart from the inner struggle and confusion of choosing the right stream for oneself, a student faces pressure from the outside as well. Be it their parents, relatives, friends or teachers, everyone gives different advice to the students, adding up to their confusion. Their mind constantly juggles between the pros and cons of every field they’re thinking of considering or being asked to consider. They feel troubled to decide whether they should think about a high-paying job and go with the so-called lucrative subjects from the perspective of the future despite having no interest in them, or whether they should chase their passion and follow their heart. 


New School Environment

New School Environment after admission to class 11

A lot of students have to change their school after being promoted to class 11th. The reasons can be different. In some cases, the reason can be that the school the student was earlier studying in only offers education until class 10th; in some cases, the reason can be that the stream one is looking forward to taking isn’t offered by the school one studies at; sometimes, the reason is merely to study at a better school for senior secondary education. But in a lot of cases, the sudden change of school in class 11th shatters the student to a great extent. It becomes difficult for students to forget the friends and classmates that they had in their old school. Also, they get so accustomed to studying in the same school for years that a sudden change in class 11th becomes very hard for them to digest. That’s why it oftentimes happens that the new joiners in class 11th in a school generally barely mingle with the ones already studying in that school. 


Academic Pressure

Academic Pressure after admission to class 11th

Sudden and excessively high academic pressure is one of the main challenges that a student faces on joining class 11th. Multiple kinds of pressures simultaneously disturb the student. On one side, there’s the pressure of doing well in the academics of class 11th to be able to score well in the class 12th boards, on the other side, there’s the pressure of preparing for competitive exams while handling the heavy curriculum of class 11th. 


Even though these problems might seem minimal, these are really some trivial matters for the 11th graders. While there can be no right way to deal with these changes, we recommend communication as a way out as a good talk might help.


Check Out: Important Documents to Keep Handy for Admission in Class 11th

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