What is the tummy time for children?

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Chehak Baweja
3 years ago
tummy time
What is the tummy time for children?

Source: Times of India 

Tummy times mean placing the baby on his/her stomach when he/she is awake. This exercise helps the baby to develop strong neck and shoulder muscles. It promotes motor skills and also prevents the baby’s head from developing flat spots. 
When you put your baby in a downward position, the baby might not enjoy it but, it helps the baby to lift his/her head, walk and crawl. 

When should the parent start the tummy time? 
As per the American Academy of Pediatrics, the tummy time for babies begins from the day when they come back from the hospital. But it is advised that parents should consult the pediatrician. 
Parents should encourage the baby to work his way up for 15 minutes each day. And you can divide the 15 minutes into two or three sessions. But as the baby grows, you can leave the baby longer on his belly.

How to do tummy time 
1. The best time to practice tummy time is when the baby wakes up from a nap or following the diaper change. 
2. Clean a small area of the floor then place the baby on a clean towel. 
3. Surround the baby with some toys to keep the baby engaged. 
4. Keep the baby in this position for around 3 to 4 minutes, two to three times a day. 
Also, NEVER put your baby to sleep on his stomach, this can increase the risk of Sudden infant death syndrome. 

Benefits of the tummy time 
1. It helps to prevent flat spots on the baby’s head. 
2. Tummy time helps the baby to develop muscles in the arms, shoulders, upper back, and neck. 
3. It helps to the base for motor skills like reaching, rolling over, and crawling. 

Also read:  Vaccines for the newly born babies

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