Vaccines for the newly born babies

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Chehak Baweja
3 years ago
mandatory vaccination
Vaccines for the newly born babies

Source: Times of India 

Why should newborn babies get vaccinated?  
Vaccination helps the babies to fight against various chronic diseases by giving them life-long immunity. 

The role of vaccines 
Vaccines can build the body’s natural immunity against chronic disease. It helps everyone to live a healthy life. 

List of vaccines for newly born babies 
As per the Center for Disease Control and American Academy of Pediatrics. Here is a list of vaccines that the newly born must receive in the first month. 

1. Hepatitis B Vaccine- It helps to prevent liver damage in a child. And it is given to the newborn in two doses. The first dose is given before the child leaves the hospital and the second after two months. 
2. DTap Vaccine- It protects the baby from bacterial disease. 
3. Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) Vaccine- It gives the baby protection from Hib infections like pneumonia, skin, and throat infections. 
4. Rotavirus Vaccine- It gives protection from rotavirus infections. 
5. Inactivated Polio Vaccine- It protects the aby from polio infections and its implications. 
6. PCV13 Vaccine- It protects the baby from the pneumococcal disease that triggers blood infections, pneumonia. 

Also read: The causes of bedwetting in children 

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