PRAISE, HONOUR, GLORY BE TO HOLY NAME True to its name, Holy Name has always reached higher and higher. Once a miniscule mustard seed it has been nourished by His name into a wondrous tree so that all birds of the air can make their shelter therein. Holy Name high, always unmindful of caste, creed or position, has embraced thousands of students since 1939 and released them into the world, enriched with the value of tolerance, communal harmony, ecological awareness, justice, peace, love and compassion. Endowed with these qualities, our students – true citizens of the one world of tomorrow – have spread to all its corners, only to bring glory to their alma mater. Our School’s motto ‘In Labore Gaudium’ – Joy in Work has been our inspiration. Untiring Principals and Teachers have graced our corridors, and have added strength to the foundation of the School. Their selfless devotion to work has created entities of everlasting value – a tradition, a heritage, an impressive monument that our school building is, and last but not the least our students. Each Principal came with a vision which the staff, the management and our well-wishers helped bring to reality, and the fruits of which shall be enjoyed by successive generations. God bless us all.