The Academic City School and its Pursuit of Value-Based Education

Education Education
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Vaishnavi Gurung
3 months ago
The Impact of Value-based Education in Early Childhood

Value-based education is a method of instruction that integrates values. It establishes a solid learning environment that improves academic performance and helps kids build lifelong social and interpersonal skills. It also develops students’ social skills, giving them the intelligence, attitudes, and social abilities they need to excel in school and throughout their life. In this article, deep knowledge about value-based learning in education is built along with its importance and ways in which schools are focusing to involve it. 

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The Academic City School, Indore, is one of the leading boarding schools in India, renowned for its capability to impart value-based education. The staff members here exemplify positive values, which creates a conducive learning environment. It instantly releases educators and learners from the strain of acrimonious interactions, which significantly increases teaching and learning time. 

Value-based education turns out to be the answer in the present when there is a serious moral values crisis in society. We can raise kids with strong morals and values who know how to apply their knowledge for the good of humanity through value-based education. Value-based education has also been shown to positively affect student attitudes towards school. A study published in the Journal of Educational Research found that students who participated in value-based education programs were more likely to report feeling connected to their school than students who did not participate.

Significance of Value-based Education

A child reaching for the stars: Significance of value-based education

The Academic City School, Indore is lauded for its dedication to value-based education. The school realizes that the growth of the individual and society as a whole depends on value-based education and thus adopts an approach that is in accordance with this growth. Here is a look at how value-based education helps students in The Academic City School, Indore-.

  • Moral and Ethical Development: Individuals can learn moral and ethical principles like honesty, integrity, responsibility, and compassion with the aid of value-based education. This fosters the development of a strong character that results in moral and upright behavior.
  • Fosters Compassion and Empathy: Value-based education helps pupils comprehend and accept the feelings and needs of others by instilling virtues like kindness, respect, and regard for others. This encourages empathy and compassion in turn.
  • Builds Positive Relationships: Value-based education helps to develop positive relationships based on trust, mutual respect, and understanding. This is crucial for creating a harmonious and supportive environment in families, schools, and communities.
  • Encourages Personal Growth: Value-based education promotes personal growth and development by emphasizing the importance of self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-improvement. It helps individuals to identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and work towards their aspirations.
  • Promotes Social Responsibility: Value-based education emphasizes the importance of social responsibility and civic engagement. It helps individuals to become active and responsible members of society by contributing to the welfare of the community.
  • Builds Strong Connections: Value-based education aids in the growth of strong connections based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding. This is essential for fostering harmony and support in homes, schools, and communities.
  • Encourages Personal Development: By highlighting the significance of self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-improvement, value-based education encourages personal development. It aids people in determining their assets and liabilities, setting objectives, and pursuing their goals.
  • Improving Critical Thinking: By posing moral and ethical issues to pupils, value-based education promotes independent thought and decision-making. This promotes the growth of moral judgment and moral decision-making.

Research has also found that value-based education can lead to better academic outcomes. A study published in the Journal of Educational Research found that students who participated in value-based education programs had significantly higher scores on standardized tests than students who did not participate. But the main question is: How can schools promote value-based learning?

Strategies for Promoting Value-based Education

A child around books

Value-based education must be ingrained in schools because it influences how students behave and think about themselves, others, and society as a whole. Following are some strategies for promoting value-based education:

  • Setting an Example: By setting an example, schools can help students learn the moral principles they want them to adopt. These ideals should be reflected in the behavior, choices, and relationships of the professors and staff.
  • Develop a Value-based Curriculum: The curriculum should be planned so that it incorporates the values that the school intends to instill. This can be accomplished by including topics like morals, ethics, and social responsibility in the curriculum.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Schools can hold workshops and seminars to teach students the value of values and how to apply them in practical circumstances. Guest speakers who may share their experiences and views with the students might also be a part of these seminars.
  • Promote Community Service: Schools can set up community service projects that will teach kids the importance of helping others and giving back to the community. They will learn empathy and social responsibility as a result.
  • Encourage a Positive School Culture: An environment where kids feel safe, respected, and valued can be created by a Positive School Culture. It can be accomplished through encouraging pleasant interactions among students, instructors, and staff as well as by fostering open dialogue and teamwork.
  • Engage Parents and Families: By giving parents and families the resources and tools they need to reinforce the values being taught in school, schools may engage parents and families in the value-based education process. Parent-teacher conferences, workshops, and newsletters can all be used to accomplish this.
  • Celebrate Good Behaviour: Finally, schools can identify and highlight actions and positive conduct that support the moral principles being taught. Awards, certificates, and general acclaim can do this.

Read More | Necessity of Cultural and Moral Values in Contemporary Society

Academic City School, Indore: Imparting Value-Based Education

A one-of-a-kind boarding institution, Academic City School, Indore, is renowned for its commitment to holistic learning. The school offers a unique co-educational residential experience aimed at unlocking the full potential of every individual.

The Academic City School, Indore

Apply Now

Here’s what sets TAC Indore apart from other boarding schools, making it truly #1:

  • Impressive student-teacher ratio of 10:1
  • 24/7 security with CCTV surveillance
  • Spacious, air-conditioned hostel rooms
  • Spacious classrooms with ample lighting
  • Modern interiors and superb infrastructure
  • Student-centric learning, with a focus on career planning
  • 10+ Year of Average teacher experience

One of the distinguishing features of TAC is its proposed dual curriculum, offering both CBSE and Cambridge programmes and qualifications. This blend ensures a comprehensive educational experience that caters to diverse learning needs and preferences. The school emphasizes balanced academics alongside a vibrant residential life, ensuring that students thrive both inside and outside the classroom.

The Academic City, Indore, is the ideal choice for parents who are looking for a school that prioritizes holistic development, career readiness, and academic excellence. Apply now to TAC Indore for the best learning experience!


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Indian values
value-based education