Cyber Crime Complaint: Here's How to Proceed

Society Society
12-14 12-14
Vaishnavi Gurung
8 months ago
Launch a Cyber Crime Complaint in Minutes

The world, today, functions mostly via the Internet. However, the Internet is not always a safe place. For instance, studies have revealed that in India, the number of cyber-related crimes reported in the first 2 months of 2022 alone was 212,485, more than the entirety of 2018. In this article, we will explore how you can launch a cyber crime complaint and deal better with the dark side of the web.


What is Cybercrime?

A view of the portal where one can register cyber crime complaint

Cybercrime refers to criminal actions involving computers, networks, or networked devices. Primarily driven by financial motives, cybercriminals, including both skilled hackers and novices, often target computer systems to generate profits.

However, some instances of cybercrime have non-monetary goals, such as causing harm for political or personal reasons. Global cybercrime damages are predicted to cost up to $10.5 trillion annually by 2025

Both individuals and organizations can perpetrate cybercrime, with some employing sophisticated techniques. This term encompasses a wide range of illicit activities, such as phishing, credit card fraud, industrial espionage, and distribution of viruses. Additionally, cybercrime includes traditional crimes facilitated by computers or networks, like scams and identity theft. Unfortunately, the prevalence of cybercrime continues to rise, with fraud calls and revenge-driven hacking becoming disturbing trends in today's digital landscape.

Here are some of the common types of cybercrime:

  • Phishing
  • Identity Theft
  • Social Engineering
  • Ransomware
  • Malware Attacks
  • Cyberstalking
  • Web jacking

These involve deception, data theft, manipulation, extortion, and unauthorized control, posing risks to personal and organizational security.

Also Read | Is your child safe attending virtual classes? Learn about cybersecurity

A Step-by-Step Guide to Launching a Cyber Crime Complaint

Offline Method of Filing the Complaint

Cybercrime falls under the jurisdiction of the Indian Penal Code. According to Section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, a victim can file an FIR at the nearest police station for any cybercrime. This requires the police officer to record the complaint regardless of where the offence occurred. Most cybercrimes are considered cognizable offences under the Indian Penal Code, meaning arrests and investigations can be conducted without a warrant. After recording the FIR, the police need to transfer the case to the station where the offence happened. This approach ensures swift investigation.

If a police station refuses the complaint, the victim can contact the Commissioner or the City’s Judicial Magistrate. Alternatively, they can submit a written complaint to the Cybercrime cell, including their name, phone number, and incident details.

Filing an Online Complaint

  • Go to the official website of the Cyber Crime Complaints Portal at and locate the 'File a Complaint' button.

Government portal to register cyber crime complaint

  • On the subsequent screen, read and accept the terms and conditions related to filing a cybercrime complaint.
  • Select the 'Report Other Cybercrime' option from the available choices.
  • Opt for the 'Citizen Login' option. Provide the required information as prompted.
  • Enter the One-Time Password (OTP) received on your registered mobile number. Complete any captcha verification if necessary, and then proceed by clicking the 'Submit' button.
  • Fill out the form. The form is divided into four sections. Review your information for accuracy before moving forward.
  • Review the entered details one more time to ensure accuracy. Once you're confident that the information is correct, proceed to the next step.
  • On this page, provide specific details about the cybercrime incident you're reporting. Include any supporting evidence or proof you have. Once done, click 'Save and Next.'
  • If you possess any information related to the alleged suspect involved in the cybercrime, provide those details on the subsequent page.
  • Ensure that you've completed all the required fields and provided accurate information. Once you're certain, hit the 'Submit' button to finalize your complaint submission.


Tips to Tackle Cybercrime

Graph showing increase of cyber crime in India

With the increasing number of cyber crimes, it becomes imperative to be cautious, especially for teenagers, and take preventive actions before becoming a victim.  Here are some steps you must follow to avoid being a victim of cyber crimes.

  • Get a Complete Online Security Package: When it comes to staying safe on the internet, use a trusted security program. It takes care of everything – making sure your devices are safe, keeping your online activities private, and protecting your personal and money-related information when you use the internet.
  • Make Strong Passwords: Don't use the same password for different websites, and try to change your passwords regularly. Make your passwords strong by using a mix of at least 10 letters, numbers, and symbols. If you have trouble remembering them all, you can use a special app to help you keep track of them safely.
  • Keep Your Programs Up to Date: Make sure to regularly update your computer's operating system and security software. Bad actors online often take advantage of known weaknesses in software to break into your system. By fixing these weak points, you make it harder for cybercriminals to target you.
  • Control Your Social Media Settings: Be careful about what you share on social media. Some cybercriminals use clever tactics to gather personal details from your posts. The less you reveal about yourself publicly, the safer you are. For example, if you mention your pet's name or your mom's original last name, you might accidentally give away answers to common security questions
  • Strengthen Your Home Network: To boost the security of your home network, begin by setting up a strong encryption password. Also, consider using a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN secures your data as it travels from your devices to its destination. Even if cybercriminals try to intercept your communication, they'll only get encrypted information. Using a VPN is smart especially when you're on public Wi-Fi, whether that's in a library, café, hotel, or airport.
  • Talk to Your Kids About the Internet: You can educate your children about safe Internet use without cutting off communication. Let them know that they can always talk to you if they encounter any online harassment, stalking, or bullying. Just like guiding them about the internet, it's crucial to protect them from identity theft. Children are often targeted by identity thieves because their Social Security numbers and credit histories are usually untouched. To prevent identity theft, be cautious when sharing your child's personal information. Also, it's a good idea to know the signs that might indicate your child's identity has been compromised.
  • Stay Informed about Major Security Breaches: If a company you do business with or a website you use has been hacked and had a security breach, find out exactly what information the hackers got their hands on. Then, without delay, change your password to make sure your account stays secure.
  • Remember that Identity Theft Can Happen Anywhere: It's wise to be cautious about protecting your identity even when you're travelling. There are several steps you can take to prevent criminals from accessing your personal information while you're on the move. These include not sharing your travel plans on social media and using a VPN when connecting to the internet through your hotel's Wi-Fi.

Always remember to be cautious of unsolicited emails and text messages that could be scams. If an email or a pop-up window asks for your username or password, don't provide it there. Instead, open your web browser and go directly to the website. If you're still unsure, contact the company or organization directly. Keep in mind that reputable companies will never ask you to share your login details through email.

Also Watch: Cybersecurity For Beginners


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