Child Safety for Older Children - Some Tips to Help them Stay Safe

Society Society
6-8 6-8
Sambhavna Tiwari
4 years ago
Child safety in the society

In today’s uncertain times, safety is a big cause for concern. Especially so for children. With both parents working, children are usually left in the care of other family members, nannies or daycare. As the child grows, it is not possible for the parent to be physically present with the child. Educating your child about the do’s and don’ts when away from you, can go a long way in keeping the child feel safe and independent. 

Tips to help an older child safe when away from you:

  1. 5 Year old - Get your child to memorize your phone number and the home address. Pick a simple tune and teach the numbers like a song. It will help them remember it. Because the child is small, it is better to memorize 1 or 2 important numbers only. Else, they might get it all jumbled up in their head. 

  2. 7 Year old - Explain a little more in detail about the dangers of kidnapping or hurting their private parts. Teach them to reach a safe adult immediately if they feel someone wants to hurt them. Encourage them to share their daily activities in school and with friends so that you can keep them safe. 

  3. 8 Years and above -You can get them to know some additional important numbers like 100 for police, 108 for a medical emergency, 102 for fire etc. 

  4. Teenagers - Teenage comes with a lot of expectation for independence. Encourage them to keep you informed about their whereabouts. Ask them to check with you before going anywhere. Get them to provide the following information whenever they are going out:

    • Who is accompanying them

    • When they will be back

    • How they can be reached in case they are late. 

Make it a family rule to provide this information, so they are likely to follow suit. 

Helping children understand the importance of safety makes it easier to get them to comply with rules regarding safety. Games and role play to enact situations will help your child to get a clear idea of how to face such situations. Review safety skills with them often so that they can stay safe.

Stay Tuned! Stay Relevant!


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Child safety
older children