Five things you can do to make work-from-home easier for yourself and your kids

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Tanmay Tandon
3 years ago
work from home
Five things you can do to make work-from-home easier for yourself and your kids

Source: The Indian Express

For over a year now, many parents have been working-from-home, meeting their expert deadlines while taking care of their children. Having to juggle many tasks, it has led to a exhaustion. And even after so many months, most parents are still just getting used to the pandemic routine.
1. Maintain a schedule
2. Make the kid’s room child-friendly
3. For playdates, go virtual
4. Nap time is work time
5. Create a fun, memorable ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign

Children thrive in knowledge and a sense of routine. So, create a home routine for them that mirrors their daily life when you’re busy working. Jot down their mealtimes, sleep time, outdoor playtime, study and crafts time, among other things, and stick to the schedule. You can also set up a flexible schedule for yourself which factors in important elements such as when you’ll do the chores, how many hours a day you will work, when and how you will spend time with the kids, etc.

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