Top IGCSE Boarding Schools in Coimbatore with Fees Structure

Here is the list of the top IGCSE Boarding Schools in Coimbatore. Scroll down to find the right school in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu based on various criteria such as location, fees, board/curriculum, class & more. Compare, shortlist, & choose with ease!

School Name Annual Fees Board Class
Hebron School NA IGCSE Upto Class 12th
SCAD World School NA IGCSE Upto Class 12th

*The fees provided here are accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. However, fees may be subject to change, and for the most up-to-date and exact fee structure, we recommend referring to the school's official website.

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IGCSE Boarding Schools in Coimbatore

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6 - 12 Class
Annual Fees
Hebron School was founded in 1899 to serve the Christian worker community of India and South-East Asia. More than a century has passed and the School continues to fulfill its original purpose although it has grown in size and is styled an International School recognised as such by the Government of India and the State of Tamil Nadu. It is a co-educational and predominantly boarding school for child expand_more
6 - 12 Class
Annual Fees
Scad World School, SCAD - Social Change And Development is one of the branches of SCAD Institutions, over the past 3 decades, have earned acclaim for our strong belief in education and deep social commitment.Organized composition builds organized behaviors, we in SCAD provide International infrastructure for students in India to enjoy while they learn. Education for us means that process by which c expand_more

IGCSE Boarding Schools in Coimbatore (FAQs)

Q: What are the fees of boarding schools in Coimbatore?

Q: What are the top 10 boarding schools in Coimbatore?

Q: Which are the best private boarding schools in Coimbatore?

Q: Which are the best CBSE residential schools in Coimbatore?

Q: Are there any government schools with hostel facilities in Coimbatore?

Q: Are there any international boarding schools in Coimbatore?

Q: Which are the best ICSE boarding schools in Coimbatore?

Q: When do boarding school admissions begin in Coimbatore?

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