Teaching and Learning post Covid | Ms. Akanksha Jain |


A record number of children and youth have been affected by schools closing because of COVID-19 and many may never return to education at all. We have witnessed educators and parents stepping up and embracing new learning environments and tools; and we’ve seen the power of both playful and engaging approaches to stimulate learning and skills development.

As lockdowns ease and schools start to reopen in some places across our region, it’s as good a time as any to take stock and look at the likely future of education. Children who start school from now on will grow up to be workers and leaders in a digital-first world that will demand new skills and new ways of thinking. To succeed in life and at work, they will need all the social, emotional, and academic support they can get via rich and flexible learning experiences that will differ vastly from the schooldays of their parents.
In short, education’s age-old three Rs – Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic – are being joined by a fourth: Rethink. New data-based technologies are opening up ways to transform practices, structures, and even cultures in schools.

School management means running the school along the desired educational policies. It takes into account all aspects of the school (policies, material and human resources, programmes, activities, equipment’s etc.) and integrates them into a fruitful whole. Good school management motives the best efforts of the teachers and students. According to Indian Education Commission 1964-1966 says “the destiny of India is how being shaped in the classroom”. Schools are to be the first-class nurseries for the education of children in democratic citizenship which India needs to make its democracy permanently viable.
School Management Systems Plays an essential role in the current educational system. School authorities all over the world are engaged in a lot of day-to-day administrative and academic activities to manage and provide a better academic experience to students effectively. However, maintaining and keeping track of school administrative activities is not an easy process in the fast-growing world. It requires hard work and often it is time-consuming.