How To Write A Thesis In Only 2 Hours A Week―Or Maybe Even Less

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How To Write A Thesis In Only 2 Hours A Week―Or Maybe Even Less

Are you a graduate student struggling with thesis trauma? Well, as a PhD expert, I can feel your pain. As MS or PhD student, you must write a thesis as your coursework requirement. However, thesis writing is technical and complex; not everyone can handle it easily. In addition, if you are short on time and have to complete your thesis within a week or less, it is like a slap in the face. It is like completing a long-winded thesis in no time.

Do you believe you can write a thesis within a week? Do you have enough mental and physical stamina to handle it skilfully? The answer is “YES”. Everyone can complete their thesis within a week just by knowing some tricks. The article presents tips and tricks you can use to complete your thesis in no time. Therefore, read to the end to get to the bottom of this.

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Tips for Completing your Thesis in Less Than a Week

Before starting, you should know that not everyone is born with the knowledge of how to write a thesis. The same is the case with me. I was unfamiliar with thesis writing until I struggled to get through it. That is when I learned what I must do to pave my way to complete thesis writing. I am sharing that experience with you in the section below.

Wider your Area of Perception

If you wish to complete writing your thesis within a week, remember not to lay the groundwork for some new idea to make your thesis efficient. If your topic demands something new from you, you need to broaden your perception circle. You must efficiently present the already beaten idea in a new way. 

To write a thesis means to be capable of handling your work technically. You will need time to develop a new perspective on your study; that is the only thing you do not have. Therefore, instead of being creative, you need to be smart at this point.

It is better not to be perfect

Everyone wants to do better and flawlessly when working on a thesis to make it stand out. However, you need to be perfect at this point. Think carefully; if you keep trying to do your thesis perfectly, you will feel like there is no progress and your time has run out. 

What is the point of being perfect with your thesis if you are unable to submit your thesis on time? Instead of acing your grade, you will get your marks docked. Therefore, avoid being a perfectionist.

Familiarise yourself with the topic

The best way to write a thesis in no time is to familiarise yourself with the topic. You can only do so after a thorough literature review. Through a literature review, you will be able to identify the gap. You can use this gap to define your problem statement and state your goals and objectives. 

When you have a central aim to support your study, you will know how to address that problem, and a complete outline of what to do in your study comes to your mind. Having a clear outline helps you complete your thesis on time.

Break your topic into different stages

Your topic will have many aspects you need to cover. Therefore, instead of working on all aspects, break them into small sections and address each aspect separately. It will clarify your stance, and you will not get confused while writing. Addressing mini-sections and sub-sections can help you get your thesis done rapidly.

Jump to other sections in mid-ways

Sometimes, you get exhausted writing on the same point while writing a thesis. It can sometimes cause writer’s block. It may decrease your productivity, making you unable to complete your thesis on time. Therefore, whenever you feel tired, you can jump to some other section for editing. Shifting to something else helps you clear your mind and work more efficiently than before.

Do not count on other authors

Before writing a thesis, remember never to rely on other authors and co-authors. It would be best if you did not wait for feedback from your supervisors, as it will delay your work. Keep on writing until you have finished your thesis. Then you can edit your content according to your supervisor’s feedback.

Start with whatever you have

Many students wait to write a thesis until their research is complete. However, it would be best not to make such a blunder. Your research goes to the end and is still not completed. If you wait for it to finish starting to write a thesis, you are in serious problem. You will lack sufficient time to complete your thesis. Therefore, start with whatever material you have at present. You can always add data after you get your results.

Do not write spick and span

The thesis is a tediously long piece of writing; if you start writing it chapter-wise, it will tire you out. You can start from methodology as you know how to approach your problem statement. You can leave the introduction and conclusion or the end to write it more effectively. It is up to you which chapter you wish to cover first and go with it.

Set mini-deadlines

Sketch an outline, make a schedule and mark short deadlines to complete your short sections. You will see that you have achieved much more quickly when you meet your set deadlines. Take short breaks not to deteriorate your health, as it can delay completing your work.

Leave editing for the last

Many students make the common mistake of editing their content while writing, not knowing they are reducing their productivity. It will slow you down unimaginably. It would be best if you kept editing for the last. When you have finished your article, you should only go for editing.  

Use online tools for editing and adding references

After you have completed your thesis, have your supervisor or senior critically analyse it for missing technical aspects. You can correct your spelling and grammar mistakes using online tools like Grammarly and EverNote. 

References are the most important part of your thesis, as you cite them to support your arguments and claims. Therefore, follow the proper formatting of your bibliography by reading the institute’s guidelines. Refrain from adding references manually, as they are time-consuming. Using tools like Endnote and Medley to create a reference library and automatically add references. Through these, you can immediately change the reference format at the point. 

Go for thesis writing services

If you don’t have time to complete your thesis, you can always avail of thesis writing services from Affordable Dissertation UK where expert writers can assist you in writing your thesis. 



It is not child’s play to write a thesis. Thesis writing demands a great deal of focus and commitment from you. You can complete your thesis on time if you are enthusiastic about it. You can write your thesis within a week if you follow the abovementioned guidelines.

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