Physical Developments of a Fourteen Year Old Kid

Body Body
12-14 12-14
Radhika Krishnan
4 years ago
physical development

Fourteen can be a pivotal age. They are developing their own individual personality and becoming more independent in their choices regarding friends, activities, school and studies. This could also be a time when your teen faces peer pressure to use alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, and to have sex. It's an important time to ensure you're giving your child plenty of guidance and helping your child gain the skills he needs for a good future. 

The physical changes they experience are as follows. 


  • Most boys hit puberty by this age. Some who hit it late may feel bad about their bodies. 

  • Pubic and underarm hair has grown by this time. 

  • Enlargement of testicles and penis.

  • Some may experience wet dreams for the first time.

  • Experience growth spurts where they grow several inches over a few months followed by a slow period of growth. 


  • Most girls have started menstrual periods. 

  • Breast development takes place. 

  • Pubic and underarm hair has grown by this time. 

  • The body fat starts getting distributed differently and some girls may be concerned about their weight and appearance.

  • Girls to experience growth spurts where they grow several inches over a few months followed by a slow period of growth. 

It is likely that your 14-year-old may be hungry almost all the time. Keep healthy snacks at hand, teach them the need to eat healthy food to get the required nutrients for proper growth.

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