Saraswati Shishu Mandir CBSE The Vidyalaya is situated in a sprawling campus of 2.25 acres in Khatiwala Tank area in the heart of Indore metropolis. The school was established in the year 1966 by late Mrs. Snehlata Ranade "Malutai" and her colleagues dedicated to education and society to make a Read More... dream come true. The dream was to provide modern and not "expensive" but "good" education to
Saraswati Shishu Mandir CBSE The Vidyalaya is situated in a sprawling campus of 2.25 acres in Khatiwala Tank area in the heart of Indore metropolis. The school was established in the year 1966 by late Mrs. Snehlata Ranade "Malutai" and her colleagues dedicated to education and society to make a Read More... dream come true. The dream was to provide modern and not "expensive" but "good" education to