Second-hand smoke can affect expecting mothers and children

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Tanmay Tandon
3 years ago
Second hand
Second-hand smoke can affect expecting mothers and children

Source: The Indian Express

Secondhand smoke refers to the smoke when a smoker exhales out and the smoke that comes from the tip of burning cigarettes, pipes, cigars, and every other device that heats or burns tobacco. It contains many injurious chemicals and contaminants and this deadly smoke exhaled is more dangerous.

Leftover smoke, often called “thirdhand smoke” stays in a room long after a tobacco product is used. It sticks to clothing, furniture, and carpets and is inhaled by children.

Babies who are crawling can also have contact with chemicals in thirdhand smoke through their skin. Pregnant mothers because of their increased demand for oxygen and blood supply + children because their immature lungs appear to inhale all the toxic gases. It is important to know that nonsmokers who inhale secondhand smoke are affected by chemicals contained in the smoke.

It greatly effects the health of infants as well as fetuses who are still in the womb it is known to effect even the children of age 1-6 pretty severely and can cause lasting effects on their health.

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