The Shishukunj International School, Indore is a Co-educational English Medium Senior Secondary School operational from the academic session 2005-06. It is an affiliate of the Shishukunj International Society, London, which was founded by Late Mr. Indubhai Davey. The Shishukunj International Society, founded in 1942, operates in many countries including UK, USA, Kenya and Sweden, engaged in child w
The Shishukunj International School, Indore is a Co-educational English Medium Senior Secondary School operational from the academic session 2005-06. It is an affiliate of the Shishukunj International Society, London, which was founded by Late Mr. Indubhai Davey. The Shishukunj International Society, founded in 1942, operates in many countries including UK, USA, Kenya and Sweden, engaged in child w
The Shishukunj International School, Indore is a Co-educational English Medium Senior Secondary School operational from the academic session 2005-06. It is an affiliate of the Shishukunj International Society, London, which was founded by Late Mr. Indubhai Davey. The Shishukunj International Society, founded in 1942, operates in many countries including UK, USA, Kenya and Sweden, engaged in child w
The Shishukunj International School, Indore is a Co-educational English Medium Senior Secondary School operational from the academic session 2005-06. It is an affiliate of the Shishukunj International Society, London, which was founded by Late Mr. Indubhai Davey. The Shishukunj International Society, founded in 1942, operates in many countries including UK, USA, Kenya and Sweden, engaged in child w