THANE POLICE SCHOOL was founded on 15-06- 2006. The medium of instruction in the school is English. Presently classes from Nursery to Std X are being conducted.The aim of the school is to develop all the facets of the personality of a student through liberal education and broad curricula. Being one of the best schools in Thane West, the objective of the school is to prepare the students to face challenges of life, to encourage the creative ability, to help them understand their obligations to society and to inculcate humane and aesthetic values.Languages offered are in accordance with the recommendations of Maharashtra State Board.Permission for the school is obtained from Govt. Of Maharashtra and TMC.Admission of children to the school is open to all irrespective of caste, creed, religion and sex.At the time of admission the age limit prescribed by the Management (for Std I) shall be rigidly adhered to.