“Work Towards The Aim” St.Denis School Belur, Estd in 1983, is Affiliated to the Council For The Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE), New Delhi and has classes upto XII (ISC). The school has well equipped Physics, Chemistry, Biology Laboratories, Computer Lab and a well Stocked Library. Modern teaching methods and extra Co-Curricular activities have been emphasised and Students at St.Denis School always feel at home under the able guidance and care of our well qualified teachers and skilled non-teaching staff. Security monitoring and sanitizing machine are installed in school campus. School has successful Alumni comprising of most number of IItian’s , Film Directors, Professors, Army Officers, Doctors, Athletes, Businessmen, and various other Sectors of Science and Commerce. St.Denis School is run by a well organised management body lead by our Founder and Director Mr. B.N.Shaw, who visions to cultivate hardworking and career driven individuals with strong goals. The School aims to impart sound education recognised lines by moulding children in habits of Piety, Virtue, Discipline and Self-reliance during their academic journey to enable them to meet the challenges of the fast changing world.