Finland International School (FIS) Pune is an inspirational learning community, where success and well-being go hand in hand. When we talk about offering world-class education, it’s not just talk. The Finnish education concept is internationally acclaimed for its impressive track record in producing high-ranking student performance, while nurturing well-being for the whole learning community. We are proud to be the first Finnish International School in India, powered by EduCluster Finland. This means that we live and breathe Finnish expertise in everything we do.
Our mission is to build a culture of excellence by empowering students with a holistic education, life skills, and values that enable them to become global citizens.
The language of instruction is English, so we welcome both local and expatriate students. The school opens with grades 0-4 in 2022 expanding up to grade 12 in subsequent years.
In our operations, we follow the famous Finnish National Core Curriculum enriched by the Indian elements. We think that in this rapidly changing globalised world, academic skills alone are not enough. Our students are equipped with competencies to apply the knowledge they learn at school whenever and wherever.
At the school, Finnish and local teachers work in close collaboration. Every teacher has a teaching qualification and is trained in the teaching and learning methods used in Finland.
We believe learning happens at all times and everywhere. Because of this, we put a lot of emphasis on creating learning environments that support what we do. Our indoor, outdoor, digital, and emotional learning environments are built around innovative teaching methods and are carefully designed to be safe, comfortable, flexible, and inspire learning in all its forms.