Eklavya Adarsh Awasiya VidyalayaThis educational institution is meant for the talented students of the tribal community of Uttarakhand with around 60 students in each class, two sections in each grade, 30 students in each section. Half of the seats are reserved for girls. A standard selection test makes an admission; Classes are taken from 6th grade to 12th grade. The School is Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi; The teacher-pupil ratio stands at 1:30. The campus is fully residential. Student expenditure is mainly on lodging, boarding, textbook, stationery, uniform etc. The medium of instruction-bilingual up to 8th an English, 9th onwards. A vocational training is available. Eklavya Vidyalaya Sangathan Samiti does the management of Vidyalaya.Our Objectives To give excellent quality current instruction to skilled kids prevalently from rural regions. To advance national coordination; To give chances to skilled youngsters to build up their maximum capacity and to encourage the procedure of personal growth. Our Aim Giving quality instruction to the kids. Creating amicable development of the character of the kids through an assortment of co-curricular exercises. Receive present day instructive strategies. Linkage with the nearby network. The opportunity of examinations and advancements; To advance national reconciliation. To instruct a substantial segment of culture, teaching quality is focussed to the planet's environment. Vision Our vision is to be recognized as an establishment which gives quality training showing advanced skills, however with traditional roots connected to it. Our conviction is that all kids ought to have the chance to encounter the delight of revelation and build up an affection for learning, we don't have faith in making robots that show repetition of memory. To do as such, students must learn for seriousness. Repetition learnt data is generally put away in the transient memory, and the mind immediately forgets it. Data that isn't coordinated and identified with past encounters is disposed of and supplanted with the following snippet of data. To us, that is a misuse of a kid's childhood and learning potential. Above all, it's anything but charming and draws in the learning experience for youngsters that will persuade them to learn. Vidyalaya is intended for the skilled youngsters predominantly from the rural/innate regions of Uttarakhand. The Vidyalaya is proposed to give current quality training to the students. Vidyalaya is co-educational and entirely residential. The Government provides free education, including boarding and housing alongside free uniform, reading material, and writing content. The mechanism of guidance is bilingual up to class 8 and English from 9th. Half of the seats are held for young ladies. The Vidyalaya represents all the five tribes of Uttarakhand